Trey House

Personal Trainer, Coach, Mentor, Speaker

About Coach Trey, also known as your favorite trainers’ favorite trainer, is a dedicated Certified Personal Trainer, Strength & Conditioning Coach, and Nutritional Advisor. With well over a decade of professional experience, as well as twenty- five years of personal experience in the fitness and nutrition realm, Coach Trey has become very well versed in helping individuals transform their lives through fitness and wellness. His main mission has been to empower those he works with to reach their full potential, first mentally as well as physically and spiritually. Approach As the “Minister of Motivation”, Coach Trey believes fitness truly is mentally driven. As everything in life it’s simply a series of choices. The choice to start, keep going, finish, eat right etc... It’s not just about looking good, but truly making a lifestyle change. His philosophy revolves around a single phrase, FinishSTRONG! That’s based on the mentality of no matter what task is presented finish it, and finish it stronger than when you started it. Physically it’s based on a result driven, individualized approach and outlook to programming, nutrition, and training. A Little Deeper Coach Trey’s commitment to success goes beyond the gym. His focus on building a strong coach-client relationship, providing unmatched motivation, and helping others overcome is like no other. He is always up to date with the latest research, trends, and training styles in the fitness industry but provides an old school mentality to provide a great balance. Being a family man, like the many life obstacles Coach Trey has overcome, has molded his unique perspective and approach to truly changing lives. He also provides mentorship and seeks out opportunities for underprivileged youth. Services Offered Fitness Class instruction, 1on1 Personal Training, Small Group Training, Strength & Conditioning, Sports specific Training (all sports), Mobile Private Training, Bodybuilding Contest Prep, Nutritional & Supplement Coaching, Motivational Mindset Coaching.

Trey House